(091) 9217333 |

Hayatabad Police Station Phase 1
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Hasnain commented on 2023-04-06
Sir me ak chota sa you tuber hun or many expose kiya he girls ka ghalt istamal ho rahe hayatabad phase 1 me me qpko unki cureect location bhi send krta hun and sir wo choty bacho ey pesy le kr unka bhi ghalt use krti he and kuch sy pesy le kr bs location ni btati
Gul zaz commented on 2021-07-03
My name is Gulnaz and I am British citizen,now a days I am on visit to Pakistan to meet my parents. My brothers both had beaten me severely on 03/07/2021 and I feel I need help and feel threatened as they will do it.I live in phase 3 sector L2 Street 13 hayatabad
Watandost ahmadrabi commented on 2020-12-10
Hello Sir/M
My family is in danger please help us
I live in Peshawar hayatabad phase 3 behind khatak market